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Thomas Angel obituary
submitted by: Kathy Urban -

THE ATCHISON COUNTY MAIL, Rock Port, Missouri April 6, 1888

OBITUARY of Thomas Angel, Sr.

Mr. Thomas Angel, Sr. of Clark Township, died March 29, 1888, in the fifty-fifth year of his natural life. Mr. Angel was born in Macon County, North Carolina in 1823. He moved to Clay County, Missouri in 1844. In 1859 he came to this county "Atchison County, Missouri" and settled on a farm near Milton, Missouri on which he resided until his death. By industry and attention to business he leaves a competency to his wife and children. His posterity is quite numerous. Nine daughters, three sons and more than two score grandchildren, all of whom reside in this County. Mr. Angel was a good citizen, an indulgent father and a kind friend. He had his faults. Let him who has none cast the first stone. In the last months of his life he sincerely regretted much of his former life, and often expressed entire submission to his fate. The funeral services were conducted by R.M. Rhoades at the Campbell Church near Fairfax, Missouri on Saturday noon, the 31st, a large concourse of relatives and friends present after which his remains were laid to rest in the Cemetery adjoining.